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Drones With Face Detection Cameras Obey Visual and Vocal Commands

Researchers from British Columbias Simon Fraser University recently unveiled a new fleet of drones capable of obeying vocal and visual commands. The project, which was presented during the annual IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) earlier this month in Japan, revealed the ability of multiple drones to obey group commands ...
[Drones With Face Detection Cameras Obey Visual and Vocal Commands]

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Pregnant Nurse Fired for Refusing Flu Shot

Prison December 24, 2013 A pregnant nurse was fired from her job after she refused a mandatory flu vaccine for fear it could potentially harm her unborn child. 
[Pregnant Nurse Fired for Refusing Flu Shot ]

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Textbook Tells Fourth Graders White Voters Were Unlikely To Support Black President

Fourth grade students in Dupo, Illinois assigned to reading a Common Core approved biography of President Barack Obama are being told that all white voters were unlikely to vote for a black president due to racism. Children at Bluffview Elementary who have been assigned to read the book, entitled Barack Obama, published by Lerner Publications and a part of ...
[Textbook Tells Fourth Graders White Voters Were Unlikely To Support Black President]

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Disgusting! Obama administration tells park rangers to make life as difficult as possible for visitors during shutdown

J. D. Heyes Natural News October 8, 2013 Much of the mainstream news media is still depicting President Obama as the good guy in this so-called government shutdown (even thoughmore than 80 percentof the government is still operating), but the fact is, the guy is proving once again that, in the words of long-timeNew York TimesChief Washington Correspondent David ...
[Disgusting! Obama administration tells park rangers to make life as difficult as possible for visitors during shutdown ]

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Six Plain Clothes Agents Assault and Arrest College Girl Buying Bottled Water

Following the pattern of cruel and extreme acts of law enforcement weve witnessed, such as charging one teen with 8 years in prison over violent comments made in a video game, a new report details how six alcohol agents bashed in the car windows of one young college girl who was buying bottled water in Virginia. Its yet another concerning story of ...
[Six Plain Clothes Agents Assault and Arrest College Girl Buying Bottled Water]

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Bob Esponja