Bob Esponja
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Revisión a fecha de 02:31 31 may 2014; MariaPeterson (Discusión | contribuciones)
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- para la serie de television, véase Bob Esponja (serie de televisión).
- para el protagonista central, véase Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados.
Journalist Harassed By Georgia Law Enforcement For Photographing Sheriffs Building
A journalist investigating a police brutality case was confronted and harassed by Georgia law enforcement late last week, while attempting to photograph outside the Glynn County Sheriffs Department. Following video of Georgia police slamming a 70-year-old woman into the pavement earlier this month, Jeff Gray, journalist with Photography is Not a Crime, headed to ...
[Journalist Harassed By Georgia Law Enforcement For Photographing Sheriffs Building]
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Another Looming Credit Crunch?
Zero Hedge August 6, 2013 Thanks to an over-flowing cup of Fed liquidity, corporatedebt maturities have not only been pushed out in time but have risen in their nominal outstandingsas cheap financing was too good to ignore (especially for those firms on the bubble of failure). The problem these firms face now is, with the Fed set to Taper (and indeed tighten on rates in ...
[Another Looming Credit Crunch? ]
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Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale
WashingtonsBlog July 10, 2013 Topeconomists, financial experts and bankers saythat the big banks are too large and their very size is threatening the economy. They saywe need to break up the big banksto stabilize the economy. They say that too much interconnectednessleads to financial instability. They also say that the big financial players are able to ...
[Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale ]
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Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead
NEETZAN ZIMMERMAN November 10, 2013 A fathers attempt to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without permission ended in tragedy Monday after a local police officer shot the teenager dead. James Comstocktold theDes Moines Registerhe called the police on his son Tyler after the latter took the formers truck in retaliation for refusing to buy ...
[Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead ]
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Artificial brain passes basic IQ test
An artificial brain created by neuroscientists at the Unviersity of Waterloo in Canada can pass a basic IQ test according to researchers, reported ExtremeTech.
[Artificial brain passes basic IQ test]