4017 es un año del siglo XLI. En SB-129 Calamardo trata de huir de Bob Esponja y Patricio para no ir ala Pesca de Medusas de ellos, el termina congelándose 2000 años en el futuro hasta ser descongelado en el año 4017 por Esponja Trón. En Fondo de Bikini el futuro todos los objetos inanimados están pintados de pintura cromo e incluso si crece una planta nueva en el piso, un pintor en encargado de pintarla de color cromo, aunque no se sabe por que esto es necesario. Por alguna razón el Crustáceo Cascarudo cuenta con dos habitaciones nuevas: el abrelatas y una maquina del tiempo.En el futuro cada quien mejorara sus vidas convirtiéndose en Cyborg (mitas especie mitas maquina), como se ve con Esponja Trón que es una esponja pero es capaz de volar con impulsores y al jalar de su corbata, de su sombrero sale un brazo mecánico sosteniendo un ladrillo.
Nueva Tecnología
- Cyborg
- Viaje en el Tiempo
- Maquina del Tiempo del Crustáceo Cascarudo
- Teletransportación
- Abrelatas gigantes
- Martillo Láser
- Clonaciones
Lo que aun hay
- Clan Pantalones Cuadrados
- Clan Estrella
- Pesca de Medusas
- Red para Pescar Medusas
- Medusas
- Cangre Burguers
- El Crustáceo Cascarudo
- Calendarios de Papel
- Barriles
- Edificios
- Plantas
- Peces
Detrás de Cámara
El que Calamardo se congelo 2000 años al futuro puede ser referencia al Piloto de la serie Futurama , sin embargo SB-129 y el Piloto de Futurama se estrenaron en el mismo dia y el mismo año.
Media Finally Begins Reporting On Russian Combat Readiness After Alternative News
The amassing of over 160,000 Russian troops, bombers, and naval ships under an emergency combat readiness drill order is now making the rounds throughout mainstream media and talk radio after being blasted into the headlines. Amazingly, just a bit over on week ago I covered the Russian combat readiness order while in amazement that no one was discussing ...
[Media Finally Begins Reporting On Russian Combat Readiness After Alternative News]
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Retired Chemist & Gun Expert Reports Burglary, Gets Raided By Hazmat, ATF, FBI
A Connecticut man reporting a burglary was charged with several felonies Monday, after police noticed chemicals and a gun collection. Joseph Callahan After arriving at 69-year-old Joseph Callahans upscale home Oct. 1, police immediately called for backup, fire and Hazmat units after noticing firearms,M-80 fireworks and an assortment of chemicals. Callahan was ...
[Retired Chemist & Gun Expert Reports Burglary, Gets Raided By Hazmat, ATF, FBI]
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Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System
Mac Slavo SHTFPlan.com December 24, 2013 Late last week it was learned that some 40 million charge cards were obtained using physical processing systems located in Target retail locations nationwide. Though no details of the how the hack attack was executed have been released by Target, the FBI or other agencies investigating the breach, it is likely that the processing ...
[Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System ]
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Desperate times: U.S. women selling hair, breast milk to survive
David Gutierrez Natural News October 17, 2013 As wages remain low and unemployment remains high despite increasing corporate profits, US women are increasingly looking to supplement their incomes by selling their hair, eggs and even breast milk, a recentBloombergarticle reports. According to market strategist Nicholas Colas of the brokerage and trading services company ...
[Desperate times: U.S. women selling hair, breast milk to survive ]
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The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans Digital and Old-Fashioned Communications
Washingtons Blog July 12, 2013 Even now after all of the revelations by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers spying apologists say that the reports are exaggerated or overblown, and that the government only spies on potential bad guys. In reality, the government is spying on everyones digital and old-fashioned communications. For example, the ...
[The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans Digital and Old-Fashioned Communications ]