SpongePedia:Dato para los padres

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Dato para los padres

Dato para los padres:
Muchos fans de Bob Esponja están muy joven y no tienen mucha experencia con la red. Por eso es correcto que Usted controlla las páginas en las cuales su hijo/hija navega. Nosotros de la SpongePedia garantizamos que no es necesario que se preocupe cuando él/ella está en la SpongePedia. Nuestro contenido está completamente gratís y adecuado para niños.

Si Ud. encuentra a un problema, díganoslo por favor. → El equipo

South Carolina Police Grab Innocent Cell Users Data Through Tower Dump

Sheriffs in Richland County, South Carolina are currently defending the use of a controversial investigation method that grants them access to thousands of cell phone users data. The technique, known as a Tower Dump, allows law enforcement to request all call, text and data transmissions from any specific time period from a cell towers provider. Search ...
[South Carolina Police Grab Innocent Cell Users Data Through Tower Dump]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Explanation of Latest NSA Revelations in 2 Minutes

David Seaman September 30, 2013 The New York Times has a major piece out that reveals the NSA, since 2010, has been building graphs of American citizens social connections that can identify their associates, their locations at certain times, their traveling companions and other personal information. 
[Explanation of Latest NSA Revelations in 2 Minutes ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

DC Political Plutocracy has US Government in Stranglehold

AShadow Governmentnow runs the USA into the ground As it was recently reported in the HuffPo, the Washington, DC area is now home to four of the five wealthiest counties in the country. That their report of this factoid was so casual and lacking in insight is testimony to the mainstream medias contribution to this very unfortunate state of affairs. The ...
[DC Political Plutocracy has US Government in Stranglehold]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Its So Cold, Fire Crews Hose Spray Freezes On Contact

Zero Hedge January 3, 2014 Itsthatcold.BBC reportsthat Firemen tackling a blaze in Minneapolis, where temperatures have been below -20C, saw the spray from their hoses turn to ice as it hit the building. Watch it below. 
[Its So Cold, Fire Crews Hose Spray Freezes On Contact ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cold War Spies Got Shorter Sentences than Bradley Manning

Whistleblower Bradley Manning has gotten a longer sentence for passing secrets to WikiLeaks than several real traitors who collaborated with Americas enemies. Thats the conclusion of a compelling analysis by Huffington Post writer Nick Wing, who compared the sentences of real spies to Mannings. Blowing the whistle and embarrassing the administration is now a...
[Cold War Spies Got Shorter Sentences than Bradley Manning]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Herramientas personales
Espacios de nombres

Bob Esponja