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==  Warning: The Laughter Could Be Terminal  ==
Becky Akers Lew Rockwell Blog October 1, 2013 The vast majority of Department of Homeland Security employees would continue to work under a government shutdownbecause their functions must be maintained under all circumstances to ensure the safety and security of the nation and its citizens Whew!!!!!!! The delusions run deep here, dont they? Yeah, the ole ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Warning-The-Laughter-Could-Be-Terminal--6215Q8.html  Warning: The Laughter Could Be Terminal ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Sinead OConnors Open Letter to Miley Cyrus: You Are Being Pimped by the Music Business  ==
Vigilant Citizen October 4, 2013 Sinead OConnor is definitely not known for NOT speaking her mind. When Miley Cyrus claimed that her look for the videoWrecking Ballwas inspired by Sineads quintessential 90s hitNothing Compares, Sinead did not quietly nod her head in approval. Instead, she wrote an open letter basically destroying everything Miley Cyrus is ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Sinead-OConnors-Open-Letter-to-Miley-Cyrus-You-Are-Being-P-VP7D.html  Sinead OConnors Open Letter to Miley Cyrus: You Are Being Pimped by the Music Business ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Serious talk of repealing Obamacare now surfacing  ==
J. D. Heyes NaturalNews November 17, 2013 During the recent government shutdown, both Democrats and Republicans who disagreed with the Tea Party tactic of defunding Obamacare said it couldnt be done because, hey,Obamacare is the law of the land. Shortly after the 2012 presidential election, House Speaker John Boehner said in anNBC Newsinterview, Its pretty ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Serious-talk-of-repealing-Obamacare-now-surfacing--Lp1Hdy.html  Serious talk of repealing Obamacare now surfacing ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  The United States Has More People In Jail Than High School Teachers And Engineers  ==
Michael Krieger Liberty Blitzkrieg blog November 9, 2013 America has become a gigantic gulag over the past few decades and most of its citizens dont know, or just dont care. One of the primary causes of the over incarceration in the U.S. is the absurd, tragic failure that is the war on drugs, and indeed nearly half of the folks in prison are therefor drug ...
[[http://7spies.com/-The-United-States-Has-More-People-In-Jail-Than-High-School-pH3E.html  The United States Has More People In Jail Than High School Teachers And Engineers ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Drug Raid Accident Kills Young Mother  ==
Woman struck by officers stray bullet Adan Salazar Prison Planet.com December 16, 2013 A botched drug raid led to the death of a young mother in Ohio last week, police claim. Krystal Barrows, via Facebook Last Wednesday night, police in Chillicothe were on the verge of executing a heroin bust when 11-year Ross County Sheriffs Patrol Sgt. Brett McKnights gun went off...
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[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja