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#REDIRECT[[Bosque de Algas]]
#REDIRECT[[Bosque de Algas]]
== World Book Night: Millions of Free Books Donated ==
A young woman is jumping up and down in front of the New York Public Library wearing a sandwich sign that says, "Hate Reading? Talk To Me!" Shes waving around several copies of "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, eager to get them off her hands.Men and women in suits breeze by, but some passersby are curious about the spectacle. If you were roaming the streets of New York City or London last night you may have encountered a similar scene: Zealous readers handing out award-winning novels by the boxful.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/World-Book-Night-Millions-of-Free-Books-Donated-J7S8iH.html World Book Night: Millions of Free Books Donated]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Discovering My Own Values ==
At the end of your life a friend once asked, What do you hope to have happened? I thought it a great question and decided to give him a thoughtful answer, so I pocketed it for later and bought myself a month for the assignment. For a while my mind flooded with questions of plot.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Discovering-My-Own-Values-4UdImK.html Discovering My Own Values]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize ==
The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader whose long-standing engagement with multiple dimensions of science and with people far beyond his own religious traditions has made him an incomparable global voice for universal ethics, nonviolence, and harmony among world religions, has won the 2012 Templeton Prize.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Dalai-Lama-Awarded-2012-Templeton-Prize-UttyfI.html Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Use Your Talents Give More Receive More ==
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.Erma Bombeck
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Use-Your-Talents-Give-More-Receive-More-n807aT.html Use Your Talents Give More Receive More]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== A Young Girl with a Big Heart and an Old Man with a Lot of Flowers ==
When I was very young (about ten or eleven years old), I heard that our neighbor, a retired physician, had lost his wife after a long illness. He was such a dear soul, and he had the most spectacular gardens in his backyard. The whole neighborhood could see his glorious flowers from the street. The backyard was a profusion of daisies and roses, snapdragons and lilies, hyacinths and columbines. I used to think there wasnt a flower in the world that he didnt grow.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/A-Young-Girl-with-a-Big-Heart-and-an-Old-Man-with-a-Lot-of-F-lg9.html A Young Girl with a Big Heart and an Old Man with a Lot of Flowers]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja