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== Horrifying Graphic: What The NSA Knows About You From Your Phone Usage Alone ==
The National Security Agencys collection of data regarding telephone conversations is a far greater threat to privacy than many of us believe. A lawsuit filed by a German politician proves just how much you can learn about a persons life by monitoring and tracking their phone usage. Malte Spitz, a member of Germanys Green Party, sued his cellphone company, T-...
[[http://7spies.com/Horrifying-Graphic-What-The-NSA-Knows-About-You-From-Your-Ph-sHh.html Horrifying Graphic: What The NSA Knows About You From Your Phone Usage Alone]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Household Gun Ownership Surges In 40 Year Trend Reversal  ==
Aggressive gun control push backfires on government Steve Watson 7spies.com January 10, 2014 The number of households owning guns in 2013 has surged to 39 percent, a five point increase on 2012 figures, and signaling that a general decline in gun ownership may be reversing. A survey by The Economist and YouGov found that almost 4 in every 10 US households now have guns. A ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Household-Gun-Ownership-Surges-In-40-Year-Trend-Reversal--vzGUM.html  Household Gun Ownership Surges In 40 Year Trend Reversal ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== The Government IS Now God to Many ==
The Orwellian video of a young boy praying to Obama and thanking him for providing for his family as if Obama were God Himself is not just a horrifying viral video it is a true symbol of what government is today. To many, government IS God. You see, the viral video is much more than just a disturbing case of a young boy led astray by his friends and family that ...
[[http://7spies.com/The-Government-IS-Now-God-to-Many-EgyT1f.html The Government IS Now God to Many]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale  ==
WashingtonsBlog July 10, 2013 Topeconomists, financial experts and bankers saythat the big banks are too large and their very size is threatening the economy. They saywe need to break up the big banksto stabilize the economy. They say that too much interconnectednessleads to financial instability. They also say that the big financial players are able to ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Giant-Banks-Take-Over-Real-Economy-As-Well-As-Financial-Sy-zrsR.html  Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Why must art imitate reality?  ==
Jon Rappoport 7spies.com August 18, 2013 Well, of course, it doesnt have to, but thats what most people are looking for. An imitation of reality. Surrealism, for example, is crazy by conventional standards. Which is its whole point: who set up the conventional standards? Once you open up that question, all bets are off. What happens if I write a short play in which ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Why-must-art-imitate-reality--w9ToyT.html  Why must art imitate reality? ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja