Editando As Seen on TV (Episodio)

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{{EpInfo1|As Seen on TV|[[Archivo:47a As Seen on TV.jpg]]|Como en la tele|Como lo vio en televisión|Der Fernsehstar|47a|3/ [[Categoría:Temporada 3]]2002|8 de marzo de 2002|One Krab's Trash|Can You Spare a Dime?}}
{{EpInfo1|As Seen on TV|[[Archivo:47a As Seen on TV.jpg]]|Como en la tele|Como lo vio en televisión|Der Fernsehstar|47a|3/2002|8 de marzo de 2002|One Krab's Trash|Can You Spare a Dime?}}
'''As Seen on TV''' es un episodio de la [[Episodios/Temporada 3|tercera temporada]].
'''As Seen on TV''' es un episodio de la [[Episodios/Temporada 3|tercera temporada]].
Línea 17: Línea 17:
{{Episodios/Temporada 3}}
{{Episodios/Temporada 3}}
==  New Company Allows Organisations To Hire Fake Protesters  ==
Michael Lotfi benswann.com August 12, 2013 So, no one supports your cause? No problem. You can hire supporters- even protesters. A company started last October by 22-year-old Adam Swart provides just this service. In a telephone interview I spoke with Swart about his new found success. I came up with the idea on a visit to Estonia, says Swart. At the airport, Swart ...
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== Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer to East Coast ==
Wrritten by Anthony Gucciardi Alex Jones A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail. According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep ...
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==  Breach: Man Defeats $300 Million Airport Perimeter Fence: Substandard Security System  ==
Mac Slavo SHTFplan.com December 27, 2013 Every day hundreds of thousands of travelers are subjected to long lines and intrusive screenings by the Transportation Security Administration. Under the pretext of protecting Americans from terrorists the TSA, an agency which has never actually captured a terrorist in its ten year history, has spent billions of dollars on what they ...
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==  TPP: A Bigger Elephant in The Room Than Christie  ==
Prison Planet.com January 14, 2013 While the news cycle is preoccupied with revelations of Christies bullying and self-promotion, theres a bipartisan effort to quietly gut whats left of the American economy and Americans rights.
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==  Obamas Case for Syrian Nerve Gas Attack Doesnt Hold Up  ==
Michael Tennant New American September 6, 2013 In the run-up to the United States 2003 invasion of Iraq, Sir Richard Dearlove, then the head of Great Britains Secret Intelligence Service,wrotethat in Washington, the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy of regime change in Iraq. Today, many observers believe they are witnessing a replay of...
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[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja