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== A Sisters Deathless Legacy of Love ==
After living through an experimental cancer treatment my sister Barb was left unable to work. When she was offered the opportunity to do a mission trip in India if she could come up with $3,000 - she was left thinking there was no way she could go. No way to raise the funds. She asked me to brainstorm with her as to ways she could raise money. "The only thing I can do is hug," she told me - and thus her adventure began.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/A-Sisters-Deathless-Legacy-of-Love-UvTY7u.html A Sisters Deathless Legacy of Love]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight ==
There is a vitally important shift underway in how we think about progress. Growing numbers of economists, political leaders and expert commentators are calling for better measures of how well society is doing; measures that track not just our economic standard of living, but our overall quality of life. We too can benefit from a shift in priorities and a recognition that real happiness is less about what we earn or own and more about our relationships and state of mind;
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Happiness-Getting-Our-Priorities-Straight-yQCEpG.html Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Meet The New Boss: You ==
What do coffee growers in Ethiopia, hardware store owners in America, and Basque entrepreneurs have in common? For one thing, many of them belong to cooperatives. By pooling their money and resources, and voting democratically on how those resources will be used, they can compete in business and reinvest the benefits in their communities.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Meet-The-New-Boss-You-wF4aeF.html Meet The New Boss: You]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== The Limitations of Positive Thinking ==
Positive thinking is so firmly enshrined in our culture that knocking it is a little like attacking motherhood or apple pie. Many persons swear by positive thinking and quite a few have been helped by it. Nevertheless, it is not a very effective tool and can be downright harmful in some cases. There are much better ways to get the benefits that positive thinking allegedly provides.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/The-Limitations-of-Positive-Thinking-m3ZrTe.html The Limitations of Positive Thinking]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== An Incredible Graduation Gift from Dad ==
Brenna Martins dad evidently doesnt like last-minute shopping. Bryan Martin a purchased a gift for his daughters high school graduation -- which happened earlier this month -- thirteen years ago. He managed to keep it hidden this whole time, and his "moving, touching, nostalgic, and thoughtful" present (her words) brought Brenna to tears when dad finally gave it to her last week.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/An-Incredible-Graduation-Gift-from-Dad-R2viuk.html An Incredible Graduation Gift from Dad]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja