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Línea 1: Línea 1:
[[Archivo:SpongeBob und Sandy.jpg|thumb|[[Arenita]] y [[Bob Esponja]] luchan contra una almeja<br>''© Viacom'']]
[[Archivo:SpongeBob und Sandy.jpg|thumb|[[Arenita]] y [[Bob Esponja]] luchan contra una almeja<br>''© Viacom'']]
[[Archivo:Pust.jpg|thumb|Bob tratando de deshacerse de una almeja<br>''© Viacom'']]
[[Archivo:Pust.jpg|thumb|Bob tratando de deshacerse de una almeja<br>''© Viacom'']]
Una '''Almeja''' es una criatura de las profundidades, que amenudo se ve en la serie [[Bob Esponja]]. En la serie comúnmente son equivalente a las aves del mundo real de los humanos. En muchos episodios una almeja de la calle concha cacarea como un gallo cada mañana. En [[se busca ayuda|Help Wanted]] debuta Shelly quien es la almeja mascota de Bob Esponja.
Una '''Almeja''' es una criatura de las profundidades, que amenudo se ve en la serie [[Bob Esponja]]. En la serie comúnmente son equivalente a las aves del mundo real de los humanos. En muchos episodios una almeja de la calle concha cacarea como un gallo cada mañana. En [[Help Wanted]] debuta Shelly quien es la almeja mascota de Bob Esponja.
== Hitos ==
== Hitos ==
Línea 10: Línea 10:
== Activist Posts 4th Amendment on Orwellian Sign Banning 4th of July ==
This is what Independence Day is all about. After I wrote a piece covering and tracking down the photo of a city sign banning fireworks, grills, and enacting mandatory bag searches, a local resident and Storyleak reader Tom Wysockihas gone and taped a copy of the Fourth Amendment to every one of the signs in order to remind visitors of their rights. Here is a ...
[[http://7spies.com/Activist-Posts-4th-Amendment-on-Orwellian-Sign-Banning-4th-o-D4q.html Activist Posts 4th Amendment on Orwellian Sign Banning 4th of July]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Spying Spooks Throw It In Americans Faces With New Octopus-Engulfing-World Logo  ==
Intelligence head tweets badge stating Nothing is beyond our reach Steve Watson 7spies.com December 5, 2013 Following this years further revelations on the NSA actively spying on Americans communications, along with the presidents promise to reign in the powers of US spooks, one would have expected that the government would be engaged in a damage ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Spying-Spooks-Throw-It-In-Americans-Faces-With-New-Octopus-gtBv.html  Spying Spooks Throw It In Americans Faces With New Octopus-Engulfing-World Logo ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== US Sailor Crippled by Fukushima Radiation Speaks Out on Government Lies ==
A U.S. Naval Administrative Officerseverely affected by Fukushimas radiation is telling his story, further exemplifying why the U.S. government cannot be trusted to inform the public on Fukushimas danger. Involved in the USS Ronald Reagans rescue efforts following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, Steve Simmons began experiencing devastating ...
[[http://7spies.com/US-Sailor-Crippled-by-Fukushima-Radiation-Speaks-Out-on-Gove-V2R.html US Sailor Crippled by Fukushima Radiation Speaks Out on Government Lies]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  The New Logo For the US Spy Satellite From the National Reconnaissance Office Is Eerily Similar To American Depiction of Communists  ==
Related:Spying Spooks Throw It In Americans Faces With New Octopus-Engulfing-World Logo Washingtons Blog December 10, 2013 Jon Schwartznotes: New logo for US spy satellite from National Reconnaissance Office is weirdly similar to anti-communist propaganda: Background.
[[http://7spies.com/-The-New-Logo-For-the-US-Spy-Satellite-From-the-National-Re-GVT0.html  The New Logo For the US Spy Satellite From the National Reconnaissance Office Is Eerily Similar To American Depiction of Communists ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== Brits pay most taxes in the world - study ==
A new study has revealed that households in Britain pay some of the highest tax in the developed world leaving the country in the worst place to facilitate the creation of an aspiration nation according to charity, CARE.
[[http://7spies.com/Brits-pay-most-taxes-in-the-world-study-Jj0YAp.html Brits pay most taxes in the world - study]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja