Editando A Friendly Game (Episodio)

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{{EpInfo1|A Friendly Game|[[Archivo:155a A Friendly Game.jpg]]|La Partida Amistosa |Un Juego Amistoso |Sportsfeinde|155a|8/ [[Categoría:Temporada 8]]2011|26 de marzo de 2011|The Hot Shot|Sentimental Sponge}}
{{EpInfo1|A Friendly Game|[[Archivo:155a A Friendly Game.jpg]]|La partida amistosa |Un Juego Amistoso |Sportsfeinde|155a|8/2011|26 de marzo de 2011|The Hot Shot|Sentimental Sponge}}
'''A Friendly Game''' es un episodio de la [[Episodios/Temporada 8|octava temporada]].
'''A Friendly Game''' es un episodio de la [[Episodios/Temporada 8|octava temporada]].
[[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] construye su propio campo de golf en miniatura en su [[Casa de Bob Esponja|casa]].
[[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] construye su propio campo de golf en miniatura en su [[Casa de Bob Esponja|casa]].
==Errores y Triviál==
==Errores y Trviál==
==Todos los personajes==
==Todos los personajes==
Línea 17: Línea 17:
{{Episodios/Temporada 8}}
{{Episodios/Temporada 8}}
==  Human implants, drones and traffic systems could all be hacked in future, Europol warns  ==
Tom Whitehead London Telegraph September 26, 2013 State on state attacks could also become so serious that they will be seen as acts of war while crippling actions on national infrastructures could lead to riots and disorder, the report concluded. The study examined the growing threat of cyber crime as daily lives become more and more linked to the internet and virtual ...
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==  NSA Snooping Takes Down U.S. Computer Networking Business  ==
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== Activist Posts 4th Amendment on Orwellian Sign Banning 4th of July ==
This is what Independence Day is all about. After I wrote a piece covering and tracking down the photo of a city sign banning fireworks, grills, and enacting mandatory bag searches, a local resident and Storyleak reader Tom Wysockihas gone and taped a copy of the Fourth Amendment to every one of the signs in order to remind visitors of their rights. Here is a ...
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==  Dallas Sheriffs Deputies Assault Free Speech Activists, Punch Alex Jones  ==
Cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com November 22, 2013 Dallas Sheriffs deputies violently assaulted free speech activists during the JFK 50th anniversary event, punching peaceful protesters including radio host Alex Jones in shocking scenes caught on live streaming video. Protesters were peacefully assembled outside a ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Dallas-Sheriffs-Deputies-Assault-Free-Speech-Activists-Pun-bGIy.html  Dallas Sheriffs Deputies Assault Free Speech Activists, Punch Alex Jones ]]
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==  Debt Levels Are Skyrocketing To Extremely Dangerous Levels How Long Can This Possibly Keep Going?  ==
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Bob Esponja