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{{Laguna Pegajosa}}
{{Laguna Pegajosa}}
== Government, Media Cover Up Fukushima Radiation Wave Hitting US ==
Radiation hot spots are popping up around the United States in the thousands of percentages higher than background radiation, mutated wildlife is being found dead on the same West Coast beaches where increased radiation levels have been documented by independent researchers, and the Fukushima TEPCO plant workers have been caught using duct tape to fix their ...
[[http://7spies.com/Government-Media-Cover-Up-Fukushima-Radiation-Wave-Hitting-U-5Wr.html Government, Media Cover Up Fukushima Radiation Wave Hitting US]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  NSA Says It Cant Search Its Own Emails  ==
Justin Elliott ProPublica July 24, 2013 The NSA is a supercomputing powerhouse with machines so powerful their speed is measured inthousands of trillionsof operations per second. The agency turns its giant machine brains to the task of sifting throughunimaginably largetroves of data its surveillance programs capture. But ask the NSA, as part of a freedom of ...
[[http://7spies.com/-NSA-Says-It-Cant-Search-Its-Own-Emails--gY7yMC.html  NSA Says It Cant Search Its Own Emails ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Naval Officer: I Didnt Join to Fight For Al-Qaeda  ==
Prison Planet.com September 1, 2013 Unidentified naval officer opposes attack on Syria in powerful image.
[[http://7spies.com/-Naval-Officer-I-Didnt-Join-to-Fight-For-Al-Qaeda--LWGJz7.html  Naval Officer: I Didnt Join to Fight For Al-Qaeda ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  U.S. Ambassador Outs Powerful Totalitarian Cabal in Latin America  ==
Alex Newman New American October 25, 2013 In a rare window into reality published by the establishment press, an explosive interview with a former U.S. ambassador appearing in theMiami Heraldoffered further confirmation of the largely behind-the-scenes machinations of apowerful network of socialist and communist forcesworking to foist tyranny on the peoples of Latin ...
[[http://7spies.com/-US-Ambassador-Outs-Powerful-Totalitarian-Cabal-in-Latin-Am-N4QK.html  U.S. Ambassador Outs Powerful Totalitarian Cabal in Latin America ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Japans Debt Has Officially Passed 1,000,000,000,000,000 No Problem  ==
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard London Telegraph August 11, 2013 As you may have seen, Japans public debt has hit one trillion quadrillion yen. That is roughly $10 trillion. It will reach 247pc ofGDPthis year (IMF data). No problem. Where there is a will, there is a solution to almost everything. Let the Bank of Japan buy a nice fat chunk of this debt, heap the certificates ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Japans-Debt-Has-Officially-Passed-1000000000000000-No-Prob-NbLN.html  Japans Debt Has Officially Passed 1,000,000,000,000,000 No Problem ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja