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#REDIRECCIÓN [[A SquarePants Family Vacation (Episodio)]]
#REDIRECCIÓN [[A SquarePants Family Vacation (Episodio)]]
==  Panicked Iowans Fear Losing Power During Blackout Drill  ==
Exercise centered around national power grid failure underscores dependency of many Americans Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com November 14, 2013 A drill centered around a national power grid failure caused panic amongst some Iowans who feared they would have their electricity cut off, forcing the City of Ames Electric Services to announce that it is not participating in...
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==  Obama: Ill act on my own agenda  ==
Justin Sink The Hill January 18, 2013 President Obama vowed to use his executive authority to usher in a year of action even if Congress remains gridlocked, he said in his weekly address. Where Congress isnt acting, Ill act on my own to put opportunity within reach for anyone whos willing to work for it, the president said. Obama pointed to a recent trip...
[[http://7spies.com/-Obama-Ill-act-on-my-own-agenda--kn88ea.html  Obama: Ill act on my own agenda ]]
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==  Border-patrol drones being borrowed by other agencies more often than previously known  ==
Craig Whitlock and Craig Timberg Washington Post January 15, 2014 Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies are increasingly borrowing border-patrol drones for domestic surveillance operations, newly released records show, a harbinger of what is expected to become the commonplace use of unmanned aircraft by police. Customs and Border Protection, which has the largest...
[[http://7spies.com/-Border-patrol-drones-being-borrowed-by-other-agencies-more-vvah.html  Border-patrol drones being borrowed by other agencies more often than previously known ]]
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==  Thatcher had secret plan to use army at height of miners strike  ==
Alan Travis London Guardian January 3, 2014 Margaret Thatcher was secretly preparing to use troops and declare a state of emergency at the height of the miners strike out of fear Britain was going to run out of food and grind to a halt, government papers released today reveal. The 1984 cabinet papers, released to the National Archives, show that Thatcher asked for ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Thatcher-had-secret-plan-to-use-army-at-height-of-miners-s-vrDQ.html  Thatcher had secret plan to use army at height of miners strike ]]
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== PHOTOS: Anti-Gun Rally Gets Virtually No Participants ==
Anti-gun organization calling for complete ban on assault weapons generates a turnout of virtually zero participants amid 1,000+ Alamo Second Amendment rally Once again, reality has deconstructed the establishment lie that nearly everyone is in favor of stronger gun control laws. Amid a turnout of about 1,000 concerned citizens rallying for their decaying ...
[[http://7spies.com/PHOTOS-Anti-Gun-Rally-Gets-Virtually-No-Participants-UZvrvt.html PHOTOS: Anti-Gun Rally Gets Virtually No Participants]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja